Nestled on the spur of Western Dhauladhar mountain range in Himachal, Dalhousie is popular tourist destination. An ideal location for the IAF to organise its annual “AFWWA SUMMER ADVENTURE CAMP”,for its school children, year after year. Air warriors of the Air Force Station Dalhousie and Jungle & Snow Survival School plan, orgainse and conduct the a series of four camps at nearby Dainkund. Nearly 200 children between the age group of 11 to 17 years experience a ‘dream come true’, thrilling experience of a life time. The campers reach Pathankot under their own arrangements. From here they are transported to the world of adventure and excitement at the camp location in Dalhosie.
The six day camp provides an exposure to the campers in Rappling, Joomaring, River crossingand a long trek through treacherous and mountainous terrain. The focus is to enhance their survival instincts and also provide them a sense of adventure. For their young age, safety of children is foremost in conduct of the camp. ‘Team Dalhousie’ ensures maximum comfort to the campers with all thrills of outdoor camping thrown into it. There is a thoughtful plan for each day’s activities. Early morning, yoga class is followed by trekking through lush green pathways, nomad trails; in the spectacular landscape is a life time experience to take home for these children. Trek routes and adventure activities are planned in detail and conducted with utmost care by experienced Air Warriors - most of them, experienced instructors in survival training. A day long trek to scenic saucer shaped plateau ‘Khajjiar’, surrounded by breathtaking dense pine and deodar forests is the endurance test for the young enthusiasts. Set on five hills and facing the Pir Panjal range, campers drift into a distant fairly land - a fiction sequence from their favourite movie. Star Gazing is a unique experience for the campers, once the night falls. The children are given basic education on constellation and star recognition. On the seventh day, after the camp fire, the campers bid adieu to Dalhousie with a heavy heart. In a short span, they develop deep friendships, get closer to the nature, learn dignity of labour and most of all, learn to share and care for each other. Campers leave for home with aonce in a life time experience and a nostalgic feeling of being ‘one’ with the nature. At Dainkund, the cycle follows for three more weeks. Each time, team Dalhousie returns the following week with even more vigour, as also, year after year.
The Summer Adventure Camp 2012 received a tremendous response with planned participation of 202 children and a wait list of close to 100 children. The Adventure camp is planned in four stages. First stage is a camp for girls & the remaining three stage camps are for boys only. The details of the four camps in four stages are as follows:
First Camp (Girls) : 07 – 14 May 12
Second Camp (Boys) : 15 – 22 May 12
Third Camp (Boys) : 23 – 30 May 12
Fourth Camp (Boys) : 31 May – 07 Jun 12
The camp is open exclusively to the wards of IAF personnel. Year after year, the Air Force Wives Welfare Association (AFWWA) meticulously plans this camp for children to mould them into wholesome personality, strong individuals and responsible citizens of this country. The arrangements are personally overseen by the President AFWWA (Regional), Smt Vaneeta Kumaria. She plans to visit the camp site on 13 May and take part in camp fire celebrations with the children on the concluding day.