Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Rs. 250 Crore Allocated for National Mission on Food Processing for 2012-13

Planning Commission has allocated Rs. 250.00 crores for the financial year 2012-13 for the implementation of NMFP. Government has approved a proposal for state governments to start preparatory activities / advance action for this scheme and has approved release of Rs. 51 crores for this purpose and released funds to few states including Andhra Pradesh. 

The salient features of the NMFP are: (i) to realize the Ministry’s next leap forward in terms of ensuing requisite growth impetus and value addition to the sector; (ii) decentralized approach; (iii) greater role of State/UTs; (iv) better outreach and (v) effective supervision and monitoring. The NMFP would also provide flexibility to states / UTs in the selection of beneficiaries, location of projects etc. for the development of food processing sector. This initiative of the Ministry would give an impetus to food processing industries in the country. 

This information was given by the Minister of State for Food Processing Industries, Dr. Charan Das Mahant in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today. 

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